Welcome to a place where you can find all your grimey needs: music, fashion, news and basically anything else thats grimey in SD yuandig!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nike Flight 95

Worn by one of the best point guards of my era, J Kidd. Also worn by one of the homies to never be forgotten, O dizzy aka O dawg aka Olanky aka Big O aka Lanky aka ONasty, was rocking these before you cats even knew what lucas was, and im talking about the chile powder not the crayons and not the limon packets for 5 cents, yea you know dipping the blow pops in the powder, straight gangsta, these shoes are out now retro yuandig at http://footlocker.com

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nike Ndestrukt

Remember these? worn by probably the grimiest to ever play the game, the worm himself. Also Another grimey rec legend used to sport these (carolina blue/navy blue version never to be seen again), He was so grimey he was part of a squad one year who literaly took out a player on an opposing team for the season on OPENING DAY! YOU know who YOU are.
Also there is a speical Nike Documentary on CNBC 2/12 @ 10:00
Check it out...

Messangers Presents: The American Message now available

Messangers Presents: The American Message now available @

Access Music
(858) 270-3987
1537 Garnet Ave
San Diego, CA

also @
Messangers Bitch!

Get your copy now....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

American Message is out NOW!

The wait is over! The much anticipated freshman diaper dandys mixtape is out now! Get your copy ASAP. Hit me up at averyocampo@gmail.com or the messangers myspace

Forec4st Clothing

Peep the new clothing line from the brotha from another spermicidal incident. Seroiusly my pops likes him more than myself. Also my brotha who I won a rec chip with, and another brotha who bloodlines I share, this team is make magic like David Copperfess. These clothes are straight heat from the McGriddle sausage hash brown collabo all minds alike. The first line just came out and more shirts are on the way, stay tuned or stay out! If you like what you see contact my boy at robert@Forec4st.com. Big ups to them cause if you're not making progress your not making scrilla.

Peep Forec4st reppin at Club Silk for BS's bday

Grimes & Gof

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Messangers Presents: American Message

Check this Heat Album Coming Soon American Message!

The Messangers highly anticipated mixtape is coming very very soon. Go get your copy now by placing an advanced order! Go check out the Myspace of my grimey cousins from another motha.